The Construction of Prokaryotic Expression System of HPV Major Capsid Protein L1 Gene and the Frequencies of HPV-6/ 11 Infection in Biopsy Samples and L1 Gene Expression of Pointed Condyloma Patients HPV主要衣壳蛋白L1基因原核表达系统的构建及尖锐湿疣组织标本中HPV-6/11型感染率和L1基因表达率的研究
Progress on treatment of pointed condyloma 尖锐湿疣的诊治进展
To treat pointed Condyloma with Nd: YAG Laser Nd:YAG激光治疗尖锐湿疣
Clinical curative effect of Moroxydine in the treatment of pointed condyloma 吗啉胍治疗尖锐湿疣的临床疗效观察
Treatment of Pointed Condyloma by External Wash of Chinese Herbal Drugs Combined with Basal Injection: A Clinical Observation of 78 Cases 中药外洗联合基底部注射治疗尖锐湿疣78例疗效观察
Effective analysis of treatment to laryngeal pointed condyloma and papilloma in children with combination of Chinese traditional medicine and surgery 中西医结合治疗小儿喉尖锐湿疣、喉乳头状瘤疗效分析
Control Observation on Effect of TCM-WM Therapy in Preventing Recurrence of Pointed Condyloma 中西药合用预防尖锐湿疣复发疗效对照观察
The pointed condyloma patients in Zhejiang area mainly infected with HPV-6. The HPV in the focus frequently expressed major capsid protein L1. 浙江省尖锐湿疣患者主要感染HPV-6型,病灶中HPV高频率表达病毒主要衣壳蛋白L1。
Treatment of vulval pointed condyloma with high frequency electric knife and Opin suppository Objective 67 cases of female vulval pointed condyloma were separated into two groups. 为探寻治疗外阴尖锐湿疣减少复发的联合治疗方法,将67例女性外阴尖锐湿疣患者分为二组:A组:高频电离子治疗组,33例;
24 Cases of Treating Perianal Pointed Condyloma with Western and Chinese Medicines 中西医结合治疗肛周尖锐湿疣24例
Clinical observation on comprehensive therapy for 33 cases of recurrent pointed condyloma 综合疗法治疗复发性尖锐湿疣33例临床观察
Different route of administration of interferon α-1b in treating pointed condyloma α-1b干扰素不同给药途径治疗尖锐湿疣
The nursing of 30 pregnant women with genitals pointed condyloma 孕产妇生殖器尖锐湿疣的30例护理
Expression and clinical significance of HPV 6,11 DNA in different areas of pointed condyloma in prepuce 包皮尖锐湿疣不同区域HPV(6,11)DNA的表达及临床意义
Treatment of vulval pointed condyloma with high frequency electric knife and Opin suppository 高频电离子与奥平栓联合治疗外阴尖锐湿疣疗效观察
Purpose: Approaching into the relationship between the HPV 6, 11 DNA expression in different area and the relapse of pointed condyloma. 目的:探讨包皮尖锐湿疣(CA)患者不同区域HPV6,11DNA的表达与复发的关系。
Methods To analyse 30 pregnant women which had infected pointed condyloma from January, 1999 to April, 2001. Results All cases were cured, no one had HPV. Conclusion The pregnant women's genitals pointed have greatly influenced pregnant woman and new borns. 方法:选择1999年1月 ̄2001年3月30例孕产妇生殖器感染尖锐湿疣进行分析。结果:产妇均痊愈出院,新生儿无1例发生咽部乳头瘤。